Relationships & Trust Building
R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.Ships: Partnering Altogether to Raise Achievement provides participants a systematic approach to building positive relationships with all stakeholders including parents, staff, community stakeholders and students. Participants will learn eight practical strategies using (Reality | Empathy | Lifelong-Learning | Action | Timing | Influence | Organization | Networking) to create, use and sustain positive relationships in the work and home environments. Outcomes for participants include: steps to overcome relationship barriers, understanding the core facets of relationship building, and increase awareness of current practices for growth. This session will be interactive and will include several hands-on activities all centered on the acronym R.E.L.A.T.I.O.N.Ships.
There is no I in TEAM. In order for people to build positive relationships with each other, we must learn how to work together. Putting differences aside, teamwork involves give and take. What are you willing to give up in order to see success?